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Tattooed Capitol Stormer Isn't Antifa Infiltrator

Christopher Frawley Christopher Frawley
6th January 2021
Tattooed Capitol Stormer Isn't Antifa Infiltrator
The Stop the Steal rally led to some protestors storming the capital (Getty Images).

The Claim

One of the people who stormed the US Capitol on January 6th was sporting a hammer and sickle tattoo, implying he is a member of Antifa.

Emerging story

Chaos broke out on January 6th as thousands of protestors stormed the Capitol building in Washington D.C. to protest Joe Biden’s presidential certification. The Stop the Steal protest turned into a destructive riot as many clashed with law enforcement. One protestor in particular was singled out as having a “hammer and sickle” tattoo, leading some to claim that he was an Antifa infiltrator.

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Misbar’s Analysis

Many Trump supporters claimed that such destruction could not possibly be done by their own people, but rather by “false flag” operatives of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The aforementioned protester was pointed out as proof of this claim, with the hammer and sickle being a symbol of communism.

However, on closer inspection it can be plainly seen that the tattoo in question is actually from a popular video game: Dishonored.

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Another picture claimed to be of the same protestor captioned with “phillyantifa.org” has come up as supposed proof of his affiliation with Antifa. However, Misbar has discovered that the picture in question actually derived from an article on the website which describes a man as having Neo-Nazi affiliations. That man, Jason Tankersley, has a large swastika tattoo on his chest. It is unknown at this time whether Tankersley is definitively the man from the protest.

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Although some are claiming that a few people affiliated with Antifa and BLM infiltrated the protest and began to incite violence, it is clear from video footage that many people stormed the Capitol and engaged in violent behavior.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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