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Image of Astronauts Without Helmets Is From a Training Exercise

Rebecca Bowen Rebecca Bowen
23rd September 2021
Image of Astronauts Without Helmets Is From a Training Exercise
The training used the moon as a backdrop (Screenshot).

The Claim

An image that shows three astronauts without helmets proves that the moon landing was a hoax.

Emerging story

An image has slowly been gaining ground this summer, with users suggesting it proves that the moon landing was staged. The black and white photograph shows three men on a lunar rover, on what appears to be the moon’s service. Their helmets are removed, and they smile upwards for the photo. The caption reads, “So, these guys on the moon took a moment to take their helmets off for this picture…" Social media users claim this is proof the moon landing was fake. One user commented, “You CANNOT land...on the moon. No one ever has.”

A supporting image within the article body
A supporting image within the article body
A supporting image within the article body

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar’s investigation found that the photo was never claiming to be taken on the Moon, and does not support the theory that the Moon landing was faked. The image can be traced back to NASA and is available for viewing on their Flickr database. The original photo was taken on February 6, 1972, and shows Apollo 16 astronauts Charles M. Duke, Thomas K. Mattingly II, and John W. Young training for their mission.

A supporting image within the article body

During the Apollo 16 mission, Ken Mattingly did not go to the lunar surface and stayed in orbit to monitor the mission instead. So Mattingly never rode the lunar rover during the Apollo 16 mission. Ken Mattingly is also known for missing the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission due to possible exposure to German measles.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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