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1967 Photo Resurfaces Online Misleadingly Claiming to Show the USS Eisenhower After Houthi Attack

Wesam Abo Marq Wesam Abo Marq
6th June 2024
1967 Photo Resurfaces Online Misleadingly Claiming to Show the USS Eisenhower After Houthi Attack
The photo predates the recent unrest between Yemen and the U.S. (X)

The Claim

A photo shows how the Houthis hit the Eisenhower.

Emerging story

Amidst rising tensions between Yemen and the U.S., a video clip has been making the rounds on social media, allegedly showing a photo of the USS Eisenhower after a recent attack by Yemeni Houthis.

A Twitter user shared the video, along with the caption, “Don't fall for Israeli fake media tactics against the Yemeni armed forces. The USS Eisenhower was hit, not sunk. This is one of the videos they're sharing and it is not official/fake. Get your info from trusted, official sources only.”

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating video and found the claim to be misleading.

A thorough reverse image search revealed the video to be older than claimed and not connected to the recent unrest between Yemen and the U.S.

Old Photo Shows Crews Repairing a Damaged U.S. Military Supercarrier

Contrary to claims made by social media users, the video does not show a recent scene of the USS Eisenhower after being hit by Yemeni Houthis

Instead, it features a photo of repair crews working to fix the damaged deck of the USS Forrestal CVA-59 after a deadly fire in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Vietnam War. 

This photo, shot in 1967, was uploaded to Getty Images.

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A screenshot of the original photo (Getty Imgaes)

Houthis Claim Missile Attack on USS Eisenhower; U.S. Denies Incident

Yemen's Houthis said they launched a missile attack toward the U.S. aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea in response to U.S. and British strikes on Yemen, according to the Houthi's spokesperson, Yahya Saree, on Friday. However, a U.S. defense official told Reuters they were not aware of any attack on the Eisenhower.

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A screenshot of the Reuters’ article.

Saree reported in a televised statement that six U.S. and British strikes killed 16 people and wounded 41, including civilians. The strikes in Hodeidah province targeted the port of Salif, a radio building in Al-Hawk district, Ghalifa camp, and two houses.

The U.S. and British militaries stated they launched strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen on Thursday to prevent the Houthis from further disrupting shipping in the Red Sea. According to the U.S. Central Command, U.S. and British forces hit 13 targets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. The British defense ministry noted that the joint operation targeted three locations in the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, which housed drones and surface-to-air weapons.

Houthi spokesperson Mohamed Abdelsalam condemned the strikes as "brutal aggression" against Yemen, saying it was punishment for Yemen's support of Gaza.

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This Video Does Not Feature Yemeni Forces Striking a U.S. Aircraft Carrier in the Red Sea

This Video Does Not Show Yemeni Forces Striking U.S. Destroyer in the Red Sea

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