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BBC Journalists Accuse It of Bias During the War on Gaza

Ouissal Harize Ouissal Harize
23rd November 2023
BBC Journalists Accuse It of Bias During the War on Gaza
BBC journalists are calling for balance in the broadcaster’s coverage (Getty)

In the midst of the Israeli war on Gaza, journalists within the BBC have raised concerns about the broadcaster's portrayal of the situation. They claim that the BBC's coverage tends to humanize Israeli victims more than Palestinians, lacks critical historical context, and shows a double standard regarding civilian suffering.

BBC Journalists’ Letter to Al Jazeera 

Eight U.K.-based BBC journalists penned a letter to Al Jazeera, expressing their concerns. They chose to remain anonymous due to fears of potential reprisals. They decided not to send the letter to BBC executives, believing that it would not lead to productive discussions. Instead, they shared it with Al Jazeera as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens, with over 14,500 Palestinians reported killed, including 6,000 children, at the time of writing.

The letter accuses the BBC of failing to provide an accurate portrayal of the conflict, citing omissions and a lack of critical engagement with Israel's claims. The journalists argue that the BBC's coverage fails to help the public understand the human rights abuses unfolding in Gaza, despite the high death toll among Palestinians.

The BBC’s Coverage of the Israeli War on Gaza

The conflict began when Israel declared war on Hamas after the Palestinian group attacked southern Israel on October 7, resulting in approximately 1,200 Israeli deaths and over 200 hostages. The journalists question why the BBC continues its editorial stance despite the thousands of Palestinian casualties since then.

The BBC's use of terms like "massacre" and "atrocity" in its coverage has been reserved primarily for Hamas, framing the group as the sole instigator and perpetrator of violence in the region. The letter argues that such language is inaccurate and aligns with the BBC's overall coverage.

The journalists emphasize that while the Hamas assault is undoubtedly devastating, it should not justify the indiscriminate killing of thousands of Palestinian civilians. They call on the BBC to rely on evidence-based findings from unbiased humanitarian organizations and ensure equal treatment of all civilians in its coverage.

The letter highlights disparities in the coverage of Israeli and Palestinian suffering. The BBC is said to carefully portray Israeli suffering by sharing victims' names, covering individual funerals, and interviewing affected families.

“In comparison, humanising coverage of Palestinian civilians has been lacking. It is a poor excuse to say that the BBC could not better cover stories in Gaza because of difficulties gaining access to the [Gaza] Strip … This is achieved, for example, by telling and following individual stories across weeks. Little attempt has also been made to fully utilise the abundance of social media content from brave journalists in Gaza and the West Bank.”

A supporting image within the article body
A screenshot of a BBC article

However, the humanizing coverage of Palestinian civilians is described as lacking, with little effort made to utilize social media content from journalists in Gaza and the West Bank.

The journalists acknowledge that some improvements in humanizing Palestinian civilians have been made in recent weeks, but they consider it too little too late. They argue that government positions in the U.K. and the U.S. have undue influence on BBC coverage.

Two of the co-writers interviewed by Al Jazeera, including people of color, expressed their concerns. They believe that there is a hierarchy at play, with certain civilian lives considered more worthy than others. They suggest that some BBC staff members and senior reporters empathize more with Israelis or Ukrainians than with Palestinians.

The letter also accuses the BBC of failing to provide crucial background information about Israel's occupation and the history of Palestinian suffering. It argues that the BBC should include critical historical context in its reporting, such as the Nakba and the asymmetric death toll across decades.

The journalists call on the BBC to fulfill its role of cutting through rhetoric and misinformation, explaining what is happening, and addressing the root causes of the conflict. A BBC spokesperson has denied these allegations, stating that the broadcaster has provided on-the-ground reporting and human stories from both sides.

The Israeli war on Gaza has led to disputes in newsrooms worldwide, with differing perspectives on how each side is portrayed, the level of empathy shown to victims, and the choice of language in reporting. The BBC has faced criticism from various quarters, including government officials and advocacy groups, regarding its coverage of the conflict.

As the conflict continues, the debate over media bias and journalistic responsibility remains a pressing issue in the coverage of international conflicts.

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