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Israeli Accounts Use Palestinian Journalist’s Video To Accuse Hamas of Targeting the Displaced

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
24th November 2023
Israeli Accounts Use Palestinian Journalist’s Video To Accuse Hamas of Targeting the Displaced
Motaz Azaiza filmed the video, stating Israeli targeting of the displaced (X)

Israeli accounts on the X platform have been circulating a video claiming to depict Hamas members directly shooting displaced people as they fled from northern Gaza to the southern part of the strip using the safe corridor designated by occupation forces.

Israeli accounts on the X platform have been circulating a video claiming to depict Hamas members directly shooting displaced people

Upon analyzing the video, Misbar found that it had been taken out of its original context and did not document the moment Hamas members opened fire directly on the displaced people as they fled from northern Gaza to its south, through the safe corridor designated by occupation forces.

Israeli accounts on the X platform have been circulating a video claiming to depict Hamas members directly shooting displaced people

Palestinian photojournalist, Motaz Azaiza, was the first to publish the video on his account on the X platform on November 19. He noted that he was documenting the moment when Israeli occupation forces opened fire on displaced people through the safe corridor on Salah Al-Din street.

Palestinian photojournalist, Motaz Azaiza

This was substantiated by another video. Journalist Azaiza explained that members of the occupation army were behind them, firing into the air to intimidate the displaced and compel them to leave more quickly.

Azaiza also responded to several accounts that reposted the video, affirming that he was the one who documented the incident. He added that Israeli occupation forces were shooting to intimidate people and expedite their departure. Consequently, some accounts deleted the video.

Motaz Azaiza
Motaz Azaiza

Forced Displacement of Northern Gaza Inhabitants Continues

As the Israeli aggression on Gaza extends into its forty-seventh day, waves of displaced people continue to flee. According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees (UNRWA), approximately 1.7 million people have been displaced across various parts of the Gaza Strip since October 7.

Amnesty International has condemned Israel's actions, classifying them as forced displacement and a war crime.

As of November 19, nearly 930,000 internally displaced individuals reside in 156 UNRWA facilities across all five governorates of the Gaza strip, including the north. An additional 770,000 displaced people live in 99 facilities in central regions, Khan Yunis, and Rafah.

Before Israeli authorities issued evacuation orders on October 12, around 160,000 displaced people sought refuge in 57 UNRWA schools in northern regions and different area of the Gaza Strip. However, these shelters now face restricted access from UNRWA for providing assistance or protection to the displaced.

On October 23, the Israeli army ordered all residents of Gaza City to evacuate their homes and head south in order to protect themselves. Residents were informed that they would not be allowed to return to Gaza City unless an official statement permitted it.

They forced to leave northern Gaza via Salah Al-Din street, connecting the north to the south, displaced individuals travel on foot. While some carry possessions, most carry only essential items for their children. Due to a severe fuel shortage imposed by the occupation's siege on Gaza, some have resorted to using donkey carts.

Forced Displacement of Northern Gaza Inhabitants Continues

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor received testimonies from displaced Palestinians stating that Israel has turned the displacement corridor announced a few days ago in Gaza into a trap, subjecting Palestinians to threats of arrest, violence, and varied forms of abuse.

Furthermore, the Israeli army exploited an elderly Palestinian in its propaganda on the safe passage for southern displacement in Wadi Gaza, before executing him.

Occupation Forces Bomb Displaced Camps

The official Palestinian Wafa agency reported that on November 21, occupation warplanes targeted a school sheltering displaced people, the Hafsa School in the Al-Faluja area, west of Jabalia in northern Gaza, killing and wounding dozens of displaced people, including women and children.

The report added that at least 12 people were killed, and dozens of others were injured, on Monday afternoon, in an Israeli occupation artillery shelling of a UNRWA school in the Block 12 area of the Bureij camp in the central area of the Gaza strip.

Occupation Forces Bomb Displaced Camps

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