On August 25, Pavel Durov, the Russian-born billionaire and founder of Telegram who holds French and U.A.E citizenship, was detained at Le Bourget airport near Paris shortly after arriving on a private jet. His arrest sparked claims on social media and in the media that the United Arab Emirates had taken the drastic step of freezing a contract with France to purchase 80 French fighter jets in response to Durov's detention.
Trolls Alleged That U.A.E Froze a Contract to Purchase 80 Fighter Jets from France
Following the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, social media was abuzz with claims that the U.A.E had frozen the execution of a contract to purchase 80 fighter jets from France. Accounts on X, known for spreading misinformation, shared this claim, quickly garnering millions of views.
Citing social media pages, media outlets have also reported on the claim. For example, Mehr News Agency, a semi-official news outlet of the Iranian government, stated that the U.A.E has allegedly suspended a contract to purchase 80 fighter jets from France and is considering a full halt to military cooperation with the country following the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in Paris.
Furthermore, social media users widely circulated a video purportedly from Al Jazeera Network, claiming that the U.A.E. had frozen the purchase of 80 fighter jets from France due to the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.
This tactic is part of a larger pro-Kremlin disinformation campaign that produces fake videos under the guise of mainstream media outlets. Misbar's investigative team previously reported on this technique, which was employed by pro-Kremlin accounts to spread misinformation during the recent riots in the U.K., amassing significant views.
No Officials or Reliable Media Outlets Reported the Viral Claim
Contrary to the viral claim spread by social media trolls and media outlets, there is no credible evidence to support this claim. No official sources or reputable media outlets have reported on the alleged suspension of the military contract.
Besides, Al Jazeera Network did not publish a video report suggesting that the U.A.E. is halting its military contract with France following the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.
U.A.E. Statement on Telegram CEO Durov Arrest
The United Arab Emirates has expressed that it is closely following the case of Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, who holds Emirati citizenship, following his arrest and the extension of his detention by French authorities.
In a statement released early Tuesday, the U.A.E’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it is “closely following” Durov’s case and that it had “submitted a request to the French government to provide him with all consular services urgently”.
“Caring for citizens, preserving their interests, following up on their affairs, and providing them with all aspects of care are a top priority for the U.A.E,” the ministry said in the statement.
France's Emmanuel Macron Says Durov's Arrest Is Part of Judicial Investigation
Via his X account, French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov is part of an ongoing judicial investigation, not a political reason. He warned against the spread of false information related to France following Durov's arrest.
His statement reads, "I have seen false information regarding France following the arrest of Pavel Durov... The arrest of the president of Telegram on French soil took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. It is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to rule on the matter.”
X owner Elon Musk defended Telegram CEO Pavel Durov following his arrest in France, calling the detention a violation of freedom of speech. In response to French President Emmanuel Macron's statement, Musk questioned the reasoning behind Durov's arrest, asking Macron to explain the circumstances surrounding the Telegram founder's detention.
Who Is Telegram CEO Pavel Durov?
Pavel Durov was born in the Soviet Union in 1984. Pavel Durov became known as the “Mark Zuckerberg of Russia.” He left the country in 2014 and resides in Dubai, where Telegram is headquartered, while also holding French citizenship.
With an estimated net worth of $9.15 billion, according to Bloomberg, Durov has led a lavish, globe-trotting lifestyle over the past decade.
While Telegram has been praised by free speech advocates for enabling private communication in countries with restrictive regimes, it has also faced criticism for becoming a haven for individuals coordinating illicit activities.
Telegram CEO Durov Transferred from Police Custody to Court
According to CNN, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was released from police custody in France on Wednesday and transferred to court for questioning. The Paris prosecutor's office stated that Durov would now undergo "initial questioning and possible indictment" at a court in the French capital.
The 39-year-old was detained on Saturday at Paris’s Bourget Airport under a warrant connected to Telegram's lack of content moderation. He is being investigated on charges related to several crimes, including allegations that his platform has been complicit in aiding fraudsters, drug traffickers, and those distributing child pornography.
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