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Muslim Woman Given "ISIS" Coffee Cup

Suzy Woltmann Suzy Woltmann
10th July 2020
Muslim Woman Given "ISIS" Coffee Cup
The coffee cup said "ISIS" instead of the woman's name (CAIR)

The Claim

A Muslim woman who ordered a drink from a Target Starbucks was given a cup with “ISIS” written on the cup instead of her name.

Emerging story

On July 1, 2020, Aishah, who asked to be identified by her first name only to protect her privacy, said that she received a cup from Starbucks with “ISIS” written on it.

Social media users posted about the offense. Most were offended on Aishah’s behalf.

However, some doubted or downplayed her claim, even calling it "fake news," a "fake hate crime," and "total BS."

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar’s investigation shows that Aishah went to the St. Paul-Midway Target Starbucks on July 1, 2020. She was wearing a hijab and a face mask. Aishah repeated her name to the barista several times.

She said: "When she asked for my name, I slowly repeated it multiple times. There is absolutely no way she could have heard it as ISIS. Aishah is not an unknown name and I repeated it multiple times."

The barista said that she could not hear the name and that is why she wrote “ISIS” on the cup. ISIS is the acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It is considered a fringe terrorist group.

Aishah said that she was “overwhelmed with emotions” when she saw the cup. Further, she said: "I felt belittled and so humiliated. This is a word that shatters the Muslim reputation all over the world. I cannot believe that in this day and age, something like this can be considered acceptable. It isn't okay."

When she asked to speak with the barista’s supervisor, Aishah was given a new drink and a $25 gift card.

Aishah filed a formal complaint with Target. Misbar called and emailed the store, but did not receive a response. However, a spokesperson for Target told CNN: "We have investigated the matter and believe that it was not a deliberate act but an unfortunate mistake that could have been avoided with a simple clarification. We're taking appropriate actions with the team member, including additional training, to ensure this does not occur again."

The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations has filed a discrimination suit on Aishah’s behalf.

Misbar’s Classification


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