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Biden Won't Tear Down Border Wall

Christopher Frawley Christopher Frawley
29th August 2020
Biden Won't Tear Down Border Wall
Biden said he'll stop construction on the wall, but won't tear it down (Getty Images).

The Claim

Joe Biden, if elected president, will take down the border-wall between Mexico and the United States.

Emerging story

During the ongoing August 2020 Republican National Convention, President Trump stated: “The Biden plan would eliminate America’s borders in the middle of a global pandemic. And he is even talking about taking the wall down.” This claim has created fear in some voters that Joe Biden is in favor of completely open borders.

The claim soon went viral on social media.

Misbar’s Analysis

Border security was one of the central issues which President Trump campaigned on in 2016. His well-known slogan, “build the wall,” usually followed by “and Mexico will pay for it,” has somewhat come to fruition. As of earlier this month, 265 miles of border wall (less than half of the expected total length) has been constructed. Much of this wall has been a replacement for existing fencing, and the money used for its construction has come purely from federal funding.

Democratic nominee Joe Biden did state that construction of the border-wall will stop if he is elected. He also said that he will continue the fight against criminal elements associated with border activities by implementing a “virtual wall” to help with security at checkpoints.

A screenshot of a social media post

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However, Biden said he will not take down the already-built wall.

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