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Misleading: Flu Caused More Deaths in the UK

Hind Khoudary Hind Khoudary
30th August 2020
Misleading: Flu Caused More Deaths in the UK
There is no evidence or research that supports the claim(ScreenshotFacebook).

The Claim

Flu caused more deaths in the UK than COVID-19. 

Emerging story

Facebook has claimed that influenza (flu) caused more deaths in the UK than Covid-19 between 19 June and 31 July.

Hundreds of Facebook users shared and re-posted the graph. 

Misbar’s Analysis

Our investigation finds the claims misleading. There is no evidence or research that supports the claim. The figure in the graph shows the number of deaths where flu and Covid-19 were mentioned on the death certificate, but this does not mean they were listed as the underlying cause of death. So these aren’t necessarily cases where people died because of these diseases. However, in many cases, flu and pneumonia are mentioned as factors in a death where the underlying cause was something else. We don’t know how many people are dying of flu at the moment, but it’s certainly fewer than this post suggests, and there are almost certainly fewer deaths where flu is identified as the underlying cause compared to Covid-19.
This is a graph that demonstrates the number of deaths until August 14, 2020.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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