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Nick Saban Did Not Endorse Joe Biden

Editorial Team Editorial Team
14th September 2020
Nick Saban Did Not Endorse Joe Biden
Saban has not actually endorsed Biden for President (Getty Images)

The Claim

Nick Saban, head coach of the University of Alabama football and considered the greatest college football coach of all time (GOAT) endorsed Joe Biden for President of the US.

Emerging story

In April 2020, the Facebook group College Football Trash Talk Nation claimed that Nick Saban endorsed Joe Biden— a claim which went unnoticed. Later, in August 2020, Nick Saban and the Alabama University athletic programs (students, coaches, staff) marched in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, and the previously unshared claim was shared again and went viral across social media.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar’s investigation into this claim reveals it to be false. This may appear to be a confusing situation since the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is widely regarded as a Progressive movement and was not endorsed by the more conservative and Trump-supporting segments of the population. However, Saban has not actually endorsed Biden for President, and has explained previously that he will never endorse any candidate due to the inevitable backlash it will cause among fans of the opposing candidate.

All this behavior actually makes perfect sense in light of the fact that Saban is a highly successful competitor and entertainer. When one’s success is predicated upon the approval of the crowd, one must be very careful to tread a line between appearing sincere to illicit support and simply endorsing whatever the crowd wishes one to. Treading this line is colloquially called ‘virtue signaling,’ which simply means acting or speaking in a way as to appear acceptable to others without actually believing in what you are doing or saying. Virtue signaling is appealing to many, but it is actually necessary to be a public figure. This explains why Saban would stand in solidarity with BLM on a single day as a token gesture along with the entirety of the rest of sports and entertainment, but would refuse to actually step into a political arena in which he might alienate any segment of his potential fanbase. After all, Saban is a football coach, not a pundit.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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