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Ginsburg Fought Bravely Against Cancer for Decades

Colleen Smitek Colleen Smitek
21st September 2020
Ginsburg Fought Bravely Against Cancer for Decades
Ginsburg was treated for early-stage colon cancer(GettyImages).

The Claim

Ginsburg fought cancer as valiantly as she fought for justice and continued to live her life with joy and passion until the very end.

Emerging story

Justice Ginsburg’s entire life was a tribute to her courage and bravery in the face of multiple cancer diagnoses. In fact, at a dinner in 2011, she commented that there is “nothing like a cancer bout to make one relish the joys of being alive.”
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Despite her many health struggles, Ginsburg rarely missed court. In fact, she did not miss high court arguments in her entire first 25 years on the court.A screenshot of a cell phone

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Ginsburg actively worked to maintain her health, even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A screenshot of a social media post

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar unequivocally finds this story to be true. In 1999, six years after she was appointed to the Supreme Court, Ginsburg was treated for early-stage colon cancer. A decade later, she was treated for pancreatic cancer. Ten years after that, she had two cancerous growths removed from her lung — and she’d had cancerous growths removed from her liver as well. Cancer also claimed the lives of both her mother and her husband. For all those reasons, it would have been easy for Ginsburg to have let cancer destroy her life long before it actually claimed her life. However, she refused to let her diagnosis dictate her future. The passing of Ginsburg will mean very different things to liberals than it will to conservatives — and there is no doubt that the quest to fill her vacancy will be politics at its very worst. But everyone can agree, based on the evidence of how she lived her life, that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made the most of each and every day, never allowing her very real fear to get the best of her or stop her from her passionate pursuit of justice. 

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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