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Biden to Trump: 'When? Inshallah?'

Hind Khoudary Hind Khoudary
30th September 2020
Biden to Trump: 'When? Inshallah?'
Biden used inshallah sarcastically(GettyImages).

The Claim

Joe Biden said "inshallah" in the US presidential debate. 

Emerging story

After the US presidential debate, social media users had their own debate on whether former Vice President Joe Biden used the Islamic term “Inshallah” with President Donald Trump.

Some users said he said, "When, in July?”

Others claimed he said, “When it’s the law.”

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar's investigation found the claims circulating true. Despite the fact that we didn’t find the word “inshallah” in the debate’s script, Biden’s campaign confirmed to NPR that it was true.

Biden used "inshallah" sarcastically, responding to Trump on his taxes.
Al Jazeera posted the clip with the transcript: 

According to the Washington Post, Biden had in fact used the phrase — which literally and seriously means “God willing” in Arabic and Farsi — but can also take on a sharp, sardonic tenor that has led the writer Wajahat Ali to call it the “Arabic version of ‘fuggedaboudit.’” 

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