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McDonald's Isn't Supporting Antifa and BLM

Zach Rathner Zach Rathner
1st October 2020
McDonald's Isn't Supporting Antifa and BLM
Black Lives Matter or Antifa weren't mentioned in the donations(Getty).

The Claim

McDonald's is removing American flags at their restaurants because they are supporting Antifa and BLM

Emerging story

In September 2020, a Facebook post began circulating on social media stating that McDonald’s restaurants have begun removing American flags from their restaurants in support of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

The information continued to spread on Twitter and #boycottMcDonalds began to trend on both Facebook and Twitter.



Misbar’s Analysis

The Misbar team has determined that this claim is false. On June 3, McDonald’s official Twitter page tweeted out a short video that named Black victims of police brutality and said “we stand for them and any other victims of systemic oppression and violence.”

The company then announced that it would donate $1 million to the National Urban League and the NAACP. There were no mentions of either Black Lives Matter or Antifa.
In an official statement, McDonald’s has said, “McDonald’s unequivocally stands behind the need for equality and social justice, and these rumors are not true.”


Misbar’s Classification


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