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Tom Hanks Didn't Wear a Poltical Shirt

Hind Khoudary Hind Khoudary
6th October 2020
Tom Hanks Didn't Wear a Poltical Shirt
The image has been digitally altered(Screenshot).

The Claim

Tom Hanks wore a t-shirt that expresses support for Black Lives Matter.

Emerging story

A picture circulating online shows actor Tom Hanks wearing a t-shirt that expresses support for Black Lives Matter (BLM), LGBTQ rights, and women’s rights, among other movements.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar's investigation found the circulating picture digitally altered.

The image of Hanks from 2015 has also been doctored in the past to promote t-shirts with environmental slogans such as “There is no Planet B” and “Unless. March for Science. Earth Day 2017.”

In the original photo, Hanks wears a 
U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team t-shirt. He remarked, “Fake turf or not, I’m full Bosom Buds if Coach Ellis needs me. No yellow cards! Hanx.”
The circulating picture is false. 

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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