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No Medical Record Says Trump Weighs 322 Pounds

Zach Rathner Zach Rathner
7th October 2020
No Medical Record Says Trump Weighs 322 Pounds
Any such report has been fabricated (Getty Images).

The Claim

Following President Trump's admittance to Walter Reed Medical Center, a report revealed that he weighs 322 pounds.

Emerging story

In October 2020, after U.S. President Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19, a post on Twitter claimed that medical records from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center showed that the President weighed 322 pounds.

Users across social media continued to push this claim, poking fun at the revelation.

Misbar’s Analysis

The Misbar team has determined that this claim is false. While Trump was a patient at Walter Reed, Trump’s medical team did hold multiple news conferences discussing his treatment. However, they did not discuss his weight.

An article written in Science Magazine details how weight plays a factor in the seriousness of complications from COVID-19. While there are concerns about Trump’s risk factors for COVID-19, specifically about his weight, no medical records from Trump’s stay at Walter Reed were released to the public.

Back in June 2020, Trump received his annual physical, where it was reported that he weighed 244 pounds.

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While Trump’s weight has been the subject of discussion before, the new claim that he weighs 322 pounds based on a report from Walter Reed Medical Center holds no credence.

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