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Twitter Temporarily Locked Trump’s Account

Hind Khoudary Hind Khoudary
7th October 2020
Twitter Temporarily Locked Trump’s Account
Trump had to delete the post(GettyImages).

The Claim

Twitter locked Donald Trump's account. 

Emerging story

Twitter temporarily locked Trump's account because he posted a columnist’s personal information. Twitter claimed that their privacy information policy states that users are not allowed to post other people’s private information without their consent.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar's investigation found the circulating claims misleading. Twitter confirmed to the Business Insider in an email that it locked the President's account after it found the tweet violated its private information policy.

Trump's Twitter account was temporarily locked after he shared a columnist's email address, violating the company's policies. The President had to delete the post before Twitter would unlock his account. Journalists who shared the tweet also reported they had their accounts locked until they had also deleted the post. 
Some websites and users didn't mention in the claims circulating that it was a temporary lock. 

Donald Trump is still tweeting. 

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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