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Israeli Flag Isn't Raised in Lebanon

Hind Khoudary Hind Khoudary
14th October 2020
Israeli Flag Isn't Raised in Lebanon
The Israeli flag has been added using Photoshop (Screenshot).

The Claim

Israeli and Lebanese flags raised side-by-side as the series of indirect talks between Israel and Lebanon begin.

Emerging story

As Lebanon and Israel held a short opening round of indirect talks on October 14, 2020, a picture of the Israeli and Lebanese flags side-by-side went viral.

A user claimed that after the talks took place, there have been preparations to raise the Israeli flag. The user claimed that the flag was raised on top of the tent in Naqoura; where the talks were held.

Social media users across the MENA region shared the claim with the pictures expressing their anger. Users also described such acts as normalization with Israel. 

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar's investigation found the circulating claims false.
Here are some facts:

The opening round of discussions was held at the headquarters of UN peacekeeping force UNIFIL
in the Lebanese border town of Naqoura. It was not held in a tent as mentioned in the circulating claims. 

2)Israel and Lebanon are officially enemies:
Israel and Lebanon have no diplomatic relations and are
technically in a state of war. The session was mediated by US officials and both sides insisted the series of talks are purely technical and not a sign of any normalization of ties.

3)Date of the picture: 
Using Tin Eye, we found that the picture was first found 2016. It has nothing to do with the current indirect talks between Lebanon and Israel.

4)Fabricated picture: 
During our investigation, we found a thread on Twitter by August Graham that shows how the picture in the claim is fabricated. 

Graham's investigation shows that the flag that has been replaced by Israel's flag is the Palestinian one.

Graham investigated the picture after Beirut's explosion when the Israeli Defense Forces tweeted the photo.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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