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Satire: Twitter Shut Down Because of Biden

Layne Radlauer Layne Radlauer
17th October 2020
Satire: Twitter Shut Down Because of Biden
The reposted article was satire (Getty Images).

The Claim

Twitter shut down because there was negative news circulating about Hunter Biden.

Emerging story

Twitter was shut down for a few hours on October 15, 2020. This occurred roughly the same time as some news about Hunter Biden was spreading on the social media platform. This has prompted many social media users to post that it was due to the Hunter Biden rumors.

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One of these was shared by Donald Trump, who linked to an article and alleged that Twitter is working against him.

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Misbar’s Analysis

The article that Trump shared was published by the Babylon Bee. The Babylon Bee is not a legitimate news network – they’re a satire website. They post articles such as “Democrats Hiss is Terror as ACB Holds Out Crucifix” and “Florida Recount Finally Wraps Up, Al Gore Declared President.” Their Twitter account actually says this on their profile: “Fake news you can trust.” Some argue that the president knew this but shared it anyway in an attempt to recirculate the news, while others believe he fell for the satirical article.

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The actual reason for the shutdown is unknown, although Twitter says they’re looking into it. It’s supposedly an internal issue rather than a shutdown related to news or politics.

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