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Emirati Royal Denies Sexual Assualt

Hind Khoudary Hind Khoudary
18th October 2020
Emirati Royal Denies Sexual Assualt
Nahyan has denied the allegations(Screenshot).

The Claim

Sheikh Nahyan Mubarak Al Nahyan denied the allegations that he attacked Caitlin McNamara on Valentine's Day earlier this year.

Emerging story

A British woman alleged she was the victim of a sexual assault by a senior Emirati royal while working on the launch of the Hay literary festival in Abu Dhabi. Caitlin McNamara, 32, claimed she was attacked by Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, the minister of tolerance in the United Arab Emirates cabinet and a member of Abu Dhabi’s ruling family.
The Daily Mail reported about the story adding that the “Sheikh of Hearts” denied any wrongdoing. According to the Daily Mail, the Sheikh was surprised and saddened by McNamara’s Claims.
After the Sunday Times published the investigation, social media users expressed their shock and anger against the UAE's minister of tolerance accusations.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar's team followed the news closely and this is what we found: 

1) A statement from Caroline Michel: 
Caroline Michel, chair of the Hay board, described the alleged assault "as an appalling violation and a hideous abuse of trust and position".

2) No direct response from Sheikh Nahyan over the allegations. 

3) The Sunday Times interview: 
McNamara mentioned all the details of how she was sexually assaulted in her interview by Scotland Yard. 
McNamara revealed screenshots of texts sent to her by the Sheikh.

4) Caitlin McNamara waived anonymity.
McNamara waived her right to anonymity and spoken publicly about the alleged assault.

A legal opinion has been sent to the Crown Prosecution Service, the Sunday Times said. McNamara was told a decision was expected last month on whether they would go ahead but they are still waiting.

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