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Biden Will Ban New Fracking if Elected

Drew Fossen Drew Fossen
23rd October 2020
Biden Will Ban New Fracking if Elected
Biden's position on fracking has evolved (Getty Images).

The Claim

Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden would ban all fracking if elected.

Emerging story

During the final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden on October 22, 2020, Trump claimed that Biden wants to ban fracking. The claim soon took off on social media.


Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar’s investigation found that there are video clips re-surfacing and being shared on social media of Biden saying he would “end fossil fuel,” and in regards to fracking, he would “make sure it’s eliminated.”

These clips were recorded during the 2020 Democratic debates and during Biden’s 2020 campaign trail. There is also a clip of Vice-Presidential candidate Kamala Harris saying, “there is no question I am in favor of banning fracking.”

Biden’s comments on fracking have varied greatly as his stance has evolved in the past year. However, the claim that Biden wants to totally ban fracking is misleading. Joe Biden has previously said that he would phase out fossil fuels and not allow any “new fracking.”

When Biden was campaigning against Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Presidential nomination, his stance against fracking was stronger. Most of these video clips were taken during this time period. He has since eased up on his stance and supports the continuation of fracking. During a town hall in Pennsylvania on October 15, 2020, Biden acknowledged that “fracking has to continue because we have [to] transition.”

He elaborated on this further at the final presidential debate on October 22, 2020, saying he would “transition away from the oil industry.”

Biden’s climate plan posted on his campaign website calls for “banning new oil and gas permitting on public lands and waters.” He plans to allow existing fracking to continue on federal property and on private land.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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