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Edited Pro-Refugee Image From Canada

Hind Khoudary Hind Khoudary
6th November 2020
Edited Pro-Refugee Image From Canada
ā€˜My door is openā€™ slogan(Screenshot).

The Claim

A woman wearing a banner that says, “My pussy is open for refugees.” 

Emerging story

An image depicts a woman wearing a banner is doing rounds with claims related to the recent attack in Vienna. This banner reads, “My pussy is open for refugees.” It’s shared with the claim, “I don’t know why Europe is crying now? You invited the trouble, you are responsible #ViennaTerrorAttack”

The claim came following the recent shooting near Vienna’s central synagogue.

Misbarā€™s Analysis

A Google reverse image search of the photograph in context led us to a 2018 article published by metro.co.uk

The original image was shot in 2015 by a Canadian digital reporter, Lasia Kretzel, during a Syrian refugee support rally in Saskatchewan, Canada. The actual sign read, “My door is open for refugees,” per the article. 

The photograph in context was earlier viral with another altered sign, “My legs are open for refugees.”
Amnesty International in a 2014 
blog post wrote about their support to refugees under the banner of “My Door is Open for Refugees.”

 This circulating photo is not related to the recent attack in Vienna.

Misbarā€™s Classification


Misbarā€™s Sources

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