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A Pornhub Notification Didn't Pop Up During CNN's Election Coverage

Hind Khoudary Hind Khoudary
6th November 2020
A Pornhub Notification Didn't Pop Up During CNN's Election Coverage
No audio in the video(Screenshot).

The Claim

PornHub banner pops up on CNN’s Magic Wall behind anchor John King.

Emerging story

A video from CNN's US Election coverage had Pornhub, a pornographic website, open on another tab during the show. The video has gone viral on Twitter and Facebook and has racked up millions of views and has been shared thousands of times.
The clip appears to show King talking with Wolf Blitzer, and returning to his monitor only to find the banner which he swipes away and gives an off-camera look at whatever culprit was running the offstage.

Users claimed someone in the control room at CNN is watching Porn Hub. It popped up on John's Election map.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar's investigation found the circulating viral video false. We found the original video that has been edited. 

The viral video was recorded with a phone of the show on TV, has no audio. The video has been edited to spread misinformation during the US Elections.
As vote counting in the US election drags continue, accusations and misinformation are flying around social media, including tweets, videos, and images. 
The video has been flagged by Twitter by manipulated media. 

Facebook and Twitter flagged posts that spread misinformation.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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