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Suspicious: Deceased People in Michigan Voted

Deja Tyla Hansen Deja Tyla Hansen
9th November 2020
Suspicious: Deceased People in Michigan Voted
There is no evidence showing that deceased people voted (Getty Images).

The Claim

Deceased people in Michigan cast ballots in the 2020 U.S. presidential electiion.

Emerging story

On November 6th, social media users were shocked at a post reading: “Here is a list of 14+ thousand dead people who voted in Wayne County (Detroit).”

Twitter and Facebook users shared the story further on their profiles, discussing the validity of the claim amongst their followers.


Misbar’s Analysis

Many have gone to social media to discuss the claim that many dead people have been registered and even voted in Michigan. Many made the assumption that these voters are deceased based off age alone, claiming many people were very old and unlikely to still be alive. Others made assumptions based off of names of deceased, often forgetting that it is not uncommon for individuals to have the same name as someone who is deceased. Individuals of the same name may cause record-keeping errors in the database, as in the case of William Bradley.

There is no age limit on voting; therefore these older individuals, even those over 100, are able to legally vote.  

While the individuals on the list may even include those who are deceased, there is no evidence to confirm if these people even voted. Even if they did, there is no evidence to indicate that any cast votes by suspected dead people were also counted. Michigan should have methods and systems in place to disqualify and reject any votes that have been cast by deceased personnel or been illegally entered.

As such, Misbar rates this claim as suspicious. Until further investigation has been conducted to verify these claims and provide data to back up this information, no judgment can be declared as to whether these claims have affected the results of the 2020 election.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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