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PA Election Results Did Not Have an Error

Drew Fossen Drew Fossen
29th December 2020
PA Election Results Did Not Have an Error
The analysis was based on incomplete data (Getty Images).

The Claim

Pennsylvania's election count resulted in an error twice the size of the outcome.

Emerging story

Originally posted on Twitter, Grant Stinchfield, a Radio and NewsMax TV host,  shared an article with the headline “Pennsylvania Certified Results for President Are Found in Error - The Error Is Twice the Size of the Difference Between Candidates." The article originated from Gateway Pundit on December 28th, 2020, and was quickly retweeted by thousands of people.

Twitter users retweeted the article using the hashtag #StopTheSteal2020 and many asked when something would be done about it.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar’s investigation found this claim to be false.

The article from Gateway Pundit claims that “The Pennsylvania House has just uncovered that the certified results in Pennsylvania for President are in error by more than 200,000 votes.”

The analysis was done by a group of Republican lawmakers who compared official county election results to the total number of voters who voted as recorded through the SURE system database. They say they’ve found “troubling” discrepancies including a difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting. Biden was certified as the winner of Pennsylvania on November 24th, winning by 80,555 votes.

However, after visiting the SURE system website on December 29, 2020 and adding the votes we get: 4,216,030 (Ballots Cast In-Person on Election Day) + 2,637,065 (Mail and Absentee Ballots) + 115,899 (Provisional Ballots Cast for the Election) = 6,968,994 Total votes. This number is way off from the number of 6,760,230 represented in the analysis by the Republicans.

The Pennsylvania Department of State released a statement in response to the Republican's analysis and claims, saying “To put it simply, this so-called analysis was based on incomplete data."

The Pennsylvania Department of State explained that “at this time, there are still a few counties that have not completed uploading their vote histories to the SURE system. These counties, which include Philadelphia, Allegheny, Butler and Cambria, would account for a significant number of voters. The numbers certified by the counties, not the uploading of voter histories into the SURE system, determines the ultimate certification of an election by the secretary.”

They go on to warn about the dangers of these claims by saying “This obvious misinformation put forth by Rep. Ryan and others is the hallmark of so many of the claims made about this year’s presidential election. When exposed to even the simplest examination, courts at every level have found these and similar conspiratorial claims to be wholly without basis.”

Misbar’s Classification


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