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Administering COVID Vaccine Does Not Make You A War Criminal

Drew Fossen Drew Fossen
6th February 2021
Administering COVID Vaccine Does Not Make You A War Criminal
Coleman is a conspiracy theorist (Getty Images).

The Claim

Doctors and nurses giving the COVID-19 vaccine will be tried as war criminals.

Emerging story

On Facebook, The Richie Allen Show posted an article claiming that “Doctors and Nurses Giving The Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried As War Criminals."

The claim originates from a video by Dr. Vernon Coleman that can be viewed on BrandNewTube. The article posted by The Richie Allen Show is the transcript of this video.

The original video from Dr. Vernon Coleman was viewed more than 88,000 times, while the Facebook post by The Richie Allen Show was shared over 100 times.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar’s investigation found this claim to be fake.

Dr. Vernon Coleman is an author, conspiracy theorist, and former GP from the UK. He has previously claimed that AIDS doesn't exist, hand sanitizers can kill you, and that tap water isn’t safe to drink. 

His argument that doctors and nurses administering the COVID-19 vaccine are war criminals is this: "The Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation, written in 1947… stated that explicit voluntary consent from patients is required for human experimentation. That means that patients must be told that they are taking part in a trial. And they must be warned of all the possible adverse events…How many doctors and nurses jabbing people with this stuff are telling patients that it is a trial? How many are giving people the information they need to make a judgement? I would guess somewhere close to none. And so, legally, all those people giving vaccinations are war criminals."

We have written previously about the claim that COVID-19 vaccines are experimental and found the claim to be misleading. According to the CDC, vaccines go through rigorous clinical trials before they are approved by regulators and given to the public. It is normal for governments and pharmaceutical companies to continue monitoring the safety of the vaccine after it has been approved.

The CDC states that in the United States, "vaccine recipients or their caregivers are provided with certain vaccine-specific EUA information to help make an informed decision about vaccination." The fact sheets list all of the adverse effects of each COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Vernon Coleman’s claims of the vaccine being an experiment and that being vaccinated are not being given the information needed to make a judgement are both false. This derails his argument of classifying doctors and nurses who administer the vaccine as war criminals.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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