Harris Likely Meant Abandoned, Not Land, Mine Reclaiming
The Claim
In a speech, Kamala Harris proposed that unemployed coal miners start removing land mines for work instead.
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Emerging story
The claim went viral in early February 2021 after Harris made a speech in West Virginia.
Misbar’s Analysis
Due to what many see as coal’s major contribution to climate change, the coal mining industry has come under increased scrutiny and regulation. With the Biden administration’s pending environmental policies and the advent of cheap natural gas, it’s likely that many coal miners will lose their jobs (although Biden's stance on coal is surprisingly murky). In states like West Virginia, wherein coal mining is a major industry, many are concerned about the future of their jobs.
In order to assuage these concerns, Vice President Kamala Harris assured the public that former coal miners can find jobs “reclaiming land mines.”
It’s pretty clear that this statement is a gaffe. Harris actually was referring to reclaiming abandoned mines, as in coal mines. Abandoned mines are dangerous to the surrounding area, as they can pollute drinking water, release toxic chemicals in the environment, and other negative effects. The government funds mining companies’ efforts to reclaim these mines and make better usage of them. What will happen to reclaimed coal mines, however, is uncertain given that they may become no longer profitable.