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Video: Airplane Crash Simulation in Oman

Dina Faisal Dina Faisal
16th February 2021
Video: Airplane Crash Simulation in Oman
News of the plane crash being spread as fake(Getty).

The Claim

 An airplane belonging to Oman Air became inflamed mid-air and was safely landed with no harm to passengers.

Emerging story

Two videos are circulating on social media including Youtube, Twitter, and Whatsapp depicting an airplane caught on fire being carefully landed.

The posts claim that the plane belongs to Oman Air and had caught fire mid-air, however, the captain managed to safely land it and all the passengers got out without harm.

One Tweet claims the Captain is a Sudanese-Canadian Sudanese by the name of Saleh Mahmoud Fathi Metwally from New Halfa.

Some posts are followed by a second video, shot from inside the plane with people panicking and what appears to be fire showing from outside the windows. 

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigations found that the video depicting the landing of the inflamed plane was taken from a Youtube channel called Runsame, known for airplane crash simulations.

The video titled “OMAN AIR 737-800 Crash at Karachi - X-Plane 11” and was uploaded on 2 January 2020.

The  X-Plane 11 in the title is a “detailed, realistic, and modern” flight simulator software. Other relevant videos depicting the same simulated crash have a reminder in the caption that says “All my plane crash videos are just simulated crashes.

Most of the shown crashes have no real background. Easy words: They are just fantasy crashes.”

The channel calls for people to watch simulated crash videos for entertainment rather than real plane crashes which are “terrible.” Given the comments under the video, it appears that some people thought it was true and did not understand that it was a simulation, despite other commenters trying to explain.

The second video circulating was on a Singaporean airplane that had caught fire in June 2016 after making an emergency landing.

The circulating video is dubbed with Arabic voice-over however, the original video is available on YouTube.

Furthermore, Misbar found no news sources reporting on a crash nor the Oman Air website or social media accounts mentioning a crash.

Therefore, the Misbar team finds the news of the plane crash being spread as fake. 

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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