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Tunisia Is One of the African Countries Without Vaccines

Yassin Osman Yassin Osman
5th March 2021
Tunisia Is One of the African Countries Without Vaccines
Due to limited resources vaccines aren't available (Getty).

The Claim

Tunisia is the only country in Africa that hasn't been provided with COVID-19 vaccines.

Emerging story

Circulating posts on social media claim that Tunisia is the only country in Africa that didn't receive the COVID-19 vaccinations.

Some users blamed corruption and economic bankruptcy as the cause.

Many posts are accompanied by a map with French text that appears to show which African countries are to receive the vaccinations, while Tunisia has no data for it indicating it receives none.

Users who mostly seem Tunisian are very angry about the news.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbars investigation found the circulating claim fake.

Tunisia is not the only country in Africa that didn't receive the vaccines.

In fact most countries in Africa didn't receive vaccinations due to limited resources.

The data map below indicates a vaccine rollout out in Africa.

Tunisia had previously applied to the Covax scheme which is a global initiative led by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to ensure effective vaccine distribution to lower and middle-income countries.

Tunisia was approved and is included in their vaccinations COVAX Interim Distribution Forecast as of 3 February 2021.

The map shows the number of vaccines that should be made available to African countries under the Covax initiative for the first half of 2021.

However, the original map was released on 4 February 2021 found here, which indicates that Tunisia is to receive 0.6 million vaccines under the Covax scheme.  

Therefore it is clear Tunisia is not the only country in Africa to not have the vaccine, it also appears that it is a matter of time until they receive it.

Moreover, the map circulating is altered and his missing information.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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