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Hillary Clinton Wasn't Arrested by Navy SEALs

Suzy Woltmann Suzy Woltmann
8th March 2021
Hillary Clinton Wasn't Arrested by Navy SEALs
The claim came from an illegitimate news source (Getty Images).

The Claim

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was arrested by a Navy SEAL team on March 2, 2021.

Emerging story

On March 4, 2021, the site Real Raw News published an article called “Navy SEALS Arrest Hillary Clinton.” It was read 262,703 times by the time of this writing. The article claims that “US Navy SEALS loyal to Donald Trump raided Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY estate and arrested her on charges of treason, destruction of government property, and aiding and abetting the enemy.” The arrest allegedly took place on March 2.

Many social media users shared the article.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar’s investigation found that Clinton was not arrested – by Navy SEALs or otherwise. We conducted searches for Clinton arrest news stories and found no legitimate news source has published on the topic. It seems likely that her arrest would be posted on her official site, which it has not.

We also conducted a search in Chappaqua County police records and found that there is no record of Clinton being arrested.

Further, on March 4, the day that the article was published and two days after the alleged arrest, Clinton posted a viral tweet about cancel culture and Freedom Fries. And as several social media users pointed out, it would be very difficult for her to tweet while arrested. 

We discovered that Real Raw News is not a legitimate news site. According to Media Bias, it is an extreme-right, very low accuracy source. 

Reading the article itself shows that it relies on sensationalism. For example, the article says that the Navy SEALs found Clinton “rehearsing a speech before a vanity mirror,” and that “they fired a single tranquilizer dart into her neck… before taping her mouth and sealing a black cloth bag over her head.” It also says that Trump is sending her to Guantanamo Bay and that GITMO is “run by the Marine Corps. and the US Navy, both of which have forsaken Joe Biden and instead pledged to help Donald Trump vanquish the forces of darkness that have enshrouded the nation in corruption for decades.” As we have discussed at Misbar before, this type of sensationalized, opinion-filled “reporting” is a clear indicator that a news source is fraudulent. 

Interestingly, Real Raw News even includes a disclaimer foreseeing fact-checkers’ investigations at the end of its article.

However, the claim that Clinton was arrested by Navy SEALs is demonstrably false.

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