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Chicken Soup May Help Alleviate COVID Symptoms

Tracy Davenport Tracy Davenport
29th March 2021
Chicken Soup May Help Alleviate COVID Symptoms
Chicken soup may help alleviate symptoms (Getty Images).

The Claim

Chicken soup helps COVID-19 symptoms.

Emerging story

For centuries, chicken soup has been recommended to cure a variety of ailments including the common cold. Today, some suggest chicken soup may also be helpful for COVID-19 symptoms. 

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar discovered that while chicken soup has never been formally tested as a treatment for COVID-19 symptoms, consuming it after infection with the coronavirus may hold some benefits. According to Family Medicine Specialist Dr. Iroku-Malize, MD, there are several ways that chicken soup may help someone with a respiratory virus feel better. First, is that it may actually slow your immune response: “In lab studies, the combination of the warm liquid base and the ingredients in chicken soup helped slow down the attack of white blood cells that happens when you get sick. If your white blood cells are not racing to attack, you’ll have less inflammation and that can mean you won’t feel as miserable.” 

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In 2000, research published in the journal Chest supported the idea that chicken soup has medicinal properties and may have a number of beneficial effects for an individual with cold or flu-type symptoms. In addition to reducing inflammation, researchers suspect chicken soup may also improve hydration, add nutrients, and clear mucus which all can help a person feel better. Many of the typical individual ingredients in chicken soup such as garlic and onion have also been shown to have medicinal effects. 

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Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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