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No Proof Pineapples Could Cure COVID-19

Tracy Davenport Tracy Davenport
31st March 2021
No Proof Pineapples Could Cure COVID-19
Bromelain alone won't help COVID-19 symptoms (Getty).

The Claim

Pineapples Could Cure COVID-19.

Emerging story

Dr. Harold Tanchanco, a general practitioner in the Philippines, uploaded a collage on his social media account showing a screengrab of the August 18, 2020, 7NEWS Australia report titled, “Breakthrough treatment: Could pineapples be the key to a COVID-19 cure?” The collage included a photo of the doctor and two images of a pineapple health drink he is endorsing. Others have shared the idea that pineapple could be helpful for COVID-19. 

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar has discovered that the social media posts most likely stem from research conducted at the University of South Wales by professor David Morris. Dr. Morris is testing a nasal spray that contains an enzyme derived from pineapple, called bromelain, to potentially treat and dissolve COVID-19 proteins, according to 9News

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Bromelain is known to hold anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been used in combination with another drug, Acetylcysteine, to treat cancerous tumors. The variety of the two substances together makes up a drug called BromAc. While researchers at the University of South Wales did find the cure BromAc was able to disintegrate COVID-19 spike proteins in preliminary research, they tested BromAc, the combination drug, not bromelain alone. 

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Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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