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Deborah Birx Wasn't Arrested

Tracy Davenport Tracy Davenport
5th June 2021
Deborah Birx Wasn't Arrested
Birx has not been arrested (Getty Images).

The Claim

 Dr. Deborah Birx was arrested.

Emerging story

Some on social media have claimed the U.S. military arrested former coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx. 

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar discovered that an article in realrawnews.com reported the United States military arrested Ambassador (Dr.) Deborah Birx because she “conspired with the CDC to deceive the American public into believing that face masks were an effective method to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.” The article was then liked and shared across social media platforms. 

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According to the article shared on social media, Dr. Birx’s name was placed on a sealed indictment after President Trump obtained an email chain between her and Dr. Fauci. In the emails, the physicians supposedly admitted to one another that masks were completely ineffective at preventing COVID-19 from entering the human respiratory system. 

However, according to Reuters.com, Dr. Deborah Birx has not been arrested. A Duty Officer at the Department of Defense confirmed to Reuters by email that the story was indeed false. The website where the article was originally published admits that, “This website contains humor, parody, and satire.”

According to the New York Post, Dr. Birx has retired from government service and is now working as chief medical and scientific adviser for ActivePure Technology in Texas, an air filtration company.

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Misbar’s Classification


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