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COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Is Not a Toxin

Maxim Sorokopud Maxim Sorokopud
8th June 2021
COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Is Not a Toxin
Vaccines give instructions for our cells to create spike proteins (Getty).

The Claim

The spike protein created by coronavirus vaccines is a toxin that causes severe risks to human health.

Emerging story

Throughout May, a range of websites began posting articles claiming that a vaccine researcher had admitted that the spike protein that coronavirus vaccines create is a dangerous toxin. 

These articles claimed that the researcher, Professor Byram Bridle, had uncovered new research that showed that the spike protein is a toxin that enters the bloodstream. They went on to suggest that the spike protein causes blood clots, heart disease, brain damage, and reproductive issues. 

These claims then spread via social media, where posts promoting them gained hundreds of interactions. 


A supporting image within the article body
A supporting image within the article body
A supporting image within the article body

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar’s investigation concludes that vaccine spike proteins are not dangerous toxins. Rather, vaccines give our cells instructions to make their own spike proteins - they come from our own bodies. The body then recognizes that the spike protein does not belong, and  Professor Bridle’s statements do not reflect coronavirus protein spike research and that many of his statements have been exaggerated/taken out of context in the articles that reposted them.

Bridle made the claims on the Canadian radio show On Point with Alex Pierson. The articles repeating these claims fail to mention that at the beginning of his interview he stated, “I am very much pro-vaccine.” However, he then went on to claim that his discoveries into the side effects of the spike proteins were backed up by peer-reviewed scientific journals. In particular, he mentions a Japanese study into the Pfizer vaccine, which detected spike proteins in the blood of individuals, which was detected in several organs, such as the spleen, liver, adrenal glands, and ovaries. He fails to mention that the individuals in this study were rats and mice instead of humans. 

Bridle also describes a study that showed that spike proteins were detected in the blood of healthcare workers who had received the Moderna vaccine as evidence that the vaccine spike proteins are dangerous. But this study, which comes from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, could find no dangers related to the spike protein being in human blood. Instead, the study concluded that the Moderna vaccine produces an effective response to coronavirus and that the spike protein was undetectable in all of the study’s participants after the second dose of the vaccine. 

Therefore, it is correct for Bridle to state that there is evidence that the spike protein appears in the human bloodstream, as the Brigham and Women’s Hospital study indicates. However, it is inaccurate to state that the vaccine spike protein is a dangerous toxin in humans, as no study into vaccinated humans indicates this. 

Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is carefully and thoroughly monitoring the distribution of vaccines in the U.S. It states that the vaccines are safe and effective. It also states that of the 285 million doses of vaccine administered in the U.S. by May 2021, it has not established a causal link between coronavirus vaccines and death, except for an incredibly rare possibly fatal blood clotting risk with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. 

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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