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The Cicada on Biden’s Neck Was Not a Deep State Secret Message

Maxim Sorokopud Maxim Sorokopud
10th June 2021
The Cicada on Biden’s Neck Was Not a Deep State Secret Message
The claim is something out of science fiction (Getty Images).

The Claim

A clone of President Biden recently revealed via a coded message that Q and his team are close to revealing the Deep State’s crimes to the world when he claimed that a cicada had landed on him.

Emerging story

On Wednesday, President Biden departed for the international G7 summit. As he approached Air Force One to depart, a cicada insect flew onto his neck. He swiped it away, and told the press, “Watch out for the cicadas. It got me. I got one.” 

Within hours influential QAnon believers began posting about the incident. They claimed that Biden, who was actually a cloned imposter, was sending out a coded message to his deep state conspirators. This message communicated that Q and his team were shortly going to bring their crimes to light and that the fake Biden would soon be destined to die as a result. QAnon’s theory was based on the fact that cicadas only emerge once every 17 years and that Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

One of the most popular initial posts spreading this theory was vague about these details. However, it managed to gain over 28,000 views within 24 hours and was reposted with other details on other Qanon groups, which have elaborated the theory in clearer terms. 

A supporting image within the article body
A supporting image within the article body

Misbar’s Analysis

The incident was not a coded message regarding Qanon. None of the posts claiming that the cicada incident is a secret message to the Deep State provide any evidence that this is the case beyond speculation. Instead, they link to a Live Science article that provides facts about cicadas. 

The theory suggests that Biden was pretending to have come in contact with a cicada in order to communicate his message. Iin footage of the incident, Biden touches his neck, and this motion moves something to the ground, presumably the cicada. This cicada is captured on camera briefly, which shows that Biden was not pretending to come in contact with the cicada. 

People who believe in Deep State conspiracies also believe that the Deep State is conducting a range of operations, such as illegal wiretapping. If this is the case, then members of the Deep State would likely communicate with one another in more confidential ways than coded public messages to the press. 

It is also worth highlighting that since its foundation in 2017, no one has proved any of the claims of QAnon. Many QAnon predictions have not come true. For instance, many who believe in QAnon believed that on March 4th, a revolution would begin in America, resulting in the arrest of alleged Deep State pedophiles. The same predictions were made for January 20th, December 5th, last year, and on many other dates, which did not come to pass. 

Lastly, several of the people who have spread the cicada incident as a QAnon event have claimed that President Biden is a clone/body double of the real Joe Biden. They claim that this clone/body double emerged at some point during 2018 to 2019. The theory is still popular today. One recent post on Telegram, which claims to show evidence of a cloned Joe Biden, gained over 64,000 views within hours.

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The evidence that this post gives is that Biden’s chin and earlobes look slightly different in two photos. The National Human Genome Research Institute states that there is no scientific evidence of a human being ever being cloned anywhere in the world as of 2021.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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