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Old Video of Israeli Soldiers Detaining Palestinian Child Goes Viral

Hind Khoudary Hind Khoudary
29th June 2021
Old Video of Israeli Soldiers Detaining Palestinian Child Goes Viral
B’Tselem published the circulating video on March 2017 (B'Tsleem Youtube).

The Claim

A video depicts Israeli soldiers arresting a Palestinian child in Gaza in May 2021.

Emerging story

A video viewed more than a million times in online posts that claim it shows Israeli soldiers arresting a Palestinian child in Gaza in May 2021.

Misbar’s Analysis

MENA: Misbar's investigation found the circulating clip misleading. B’Tselem published the circulating video on March 24, 2017, on Youtube.

According to B’Tselem, on 19 March 2017, around midday, eight-year-old Sufian Abu Hitah was wandering barefoot outside his house in Hebron looking for a toy he had lost when a group of at least 15 soldiers seized him.
The incident occurred in Hebron, not Gaza, in 2017. The circulating clip is misleading. 

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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