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Ivanka Trump May Have Lied Under Oath

Tracy Davenport Tracy Davenport
2nd July 2021
Ivanka Trump May Have Lied Under Oath
She seems to have planned inaugural events (Getty Images).

The Claim

Ivanka Trump lied during deposition.

Emerging story

An investigation launched last year by Attorney General Karl Racine alleged that former President Donald Trump’s inauguration committee misused charitable funds. Former first daughter Ivanka Trump testified in the deposition regarding the charges against the committee. Some claim the evidence shows that she lied during her testimony. 

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar discovered that the lawsuit in question stems from a Washington D.C. law that requires nonprofits to use their funds for their stated public purpose, not to benefit private individuals or companies. According to Mother Jones, in a December 1, 2020 deposition, Ivanka Trump was asked if she had any involvement in the process of planning the inauguration. She replied: “I really didn’t have an involvement.” Ivanka testified that if her “opinion was solicited” regarding an inauguration event, she “would give feedback to my father or to anyone who asked my perspective or opinion.”

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Mother Jones, Vanity Fair, and others are reporting that the former first daughter was intimately involved in the decision-making for various aspects of the inauguration: 

“One email chain shows that Ivanka Trump was directly involved in the planning of at least one proposed event for the inauguration. On November 29, 2016, Rick Gates, then the deputy chairman of the Presidential Inauguration Committee (known as the PIC), emailed her the current schedule of inauguration events. He noted that Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a lead producer working with the PIC, “is going to call you to discuss some additional ideas she has about some other events that we would like to see if you would be willing to do based on our meetings.” Ivanka replied to Gates and Winston Wolkoff, “Great. I am looping in my assistant Suzie who can coordinate a time for us to connect.” 

A few days later, Winston Wolkoff sent a long “Dear Ivanka and Jared” email to Ivanka Trump and her husband. She thanked them for “our meeting yesterday” and presented them with a “high-level summary” of the inauguration plans “for your review.” This was a detailed report on the assorted events and themes being created for Trump’s inauguration.

According to Mother Jones, the producer also asked Ivanka to confirm that she would host a “Women’s Entrepreneurs Reception/Dinner” as part of the inauguration. Ivanka Trump responded later that day in an email, “As mentioned, my interest in hosting [the dinner or reception for women entrepreneurs] depends on the quality and theme of the event.” She added, “I would love to bring together an incredible group of female entrepreneurs and thought leaders and integrate young girls in the programing [sic]. If we can make it an impactful event, I would love to do it.”

In response to the allegation, Ivanka Trump put out the following Tweet

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To conclude, it is unclear how the Attorney General will proceed in any accusation of Ivanka Trump lying under oath. While Mother Jones provided details of emails demonstrating she was involved in the inauguration planning, she provided evidence that a fair market rate was requested. It is also unclear what level of involvement in the planning of the event is required to prove she lied under oath. This is an unfolding story that Misbar will continue to follow. 

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