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Viral TIME Magazine Cover on Lebanon is Fake

Olawale Ameen Olawale Ameen
2nd July 2021
Viral TIME Magazine Cover on Lebanon is Fake
The cover was fabricated (Getty Images).

The Claim

Time magazine published a cover saying “Lebanon is a country owned by the mafia.”

Emerging story

A screenshot of Lebanon on the cover of TIME magazine is circulating online. Users claim that TIME reported that Lebanon is controlled by the mafia. 

Misbar’s Analysis

MENA: Misbar found that the claim is false.

First, a careful examination of the magazine cover in question shows it carries no date of publication. This is unusual since all TIME magazine editions have a date stamp on them, as the copy below indicates. 

A supporting image within the article body

Second, a check through TIME magazine’s various editions shows no such edition exists within the past two years. Although the magazine has published multiple editions centered around Lebanon, none carries the image used in the circulating cover.

A supporting image within the article body
A supporting image within the article body

A search for the image used in the cover shows that it is that of the city of Beirut, Lebanon’s capital and seat of power. It has been used in various articles such as this one titled, “5 Great Attractions You Must See In Lebanon,” and on Pinterest; but it has never been used in a TIME magazine cover.

Finally, a search on the internet for the headline turns up no article from TIME magazine, making it evident that the cover is fabricated.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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