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Pictures of Dead Soldiers Falsely Attributed to Kabul

Layne Radlauer Layne Radlauer
31st August 2021
Pictures of Dead Soldiers Falsely Attributed to Kabul
Soldiers who died in Mississippi in 2017 (Twitter).

The Claim

A commonly shared collage shows the faces of service members recently killed at the Kabul airport.

Emerging story

The US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has been violent. Last week, 13 servicemen were killed in a bombing at the Kabul airport. It is suspected that ISIS-K — an Afgan terrorist organization denounced by the Taliban — is responsible.

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Since then, a photo collage claiming to depict all servicemen who died in the bombing has spread on social media. Many of them denounce Presiden Biden in the process.

Misbar’s Analysis

MENA: Note that it’s fishy on the surface, considering that the picture shows 16 people. That’s because this picture has nothing to do with Afghanistan at all. The soldiers in this collage died in Mississippi during a training accident in 2017. Included in the picture are 15 marines and one Navy sailor.

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These pictures seem to be taken from a slideshow that can be found on ABC’s Twitter account.

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We declare this picture to be false, although there may be other, true collages out there.

Misbar’s Classification


Misbar’s Sources

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