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Cameras Didn't Stop Rolling When Biden Was Questioned About "Hit List"

Suzy Woltmann Suzy Woltmann
30th September 2021
Cameras Didn't Stop Rolling When Biden Was Questioned About "Hit List"
Full footage of the press conference is readily available (Getty Images).

The Claim

News cameras were shut off when President Joe Biden was asked about a “hit list” given to the Taliban. 

Emerging story

The claim was shared and liked thousands of times in September 2021. 

A supporting image within the article body

Misbar’s Analysis

MENA: We discovered that on August 26, Biden answered questions about the Kabul airport suicide bombing. A member of the press asked Biden about reports of Americans and Afghans the U.S. administration asked the Taliban to help evacuate safely. Despite the claim made on social media, the cameras didn't stop filming then. Biden responded by saying that the administration requested that certain buses or groups be let through. 

The member of the press did not use the words “hit list”; and, as we have discussed previously at Misbar, the U.S. gave the Taliban an evacuation list, not a hit list or kill list. 

Misbar’s Classification


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