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Photo of People Scrambling for Cooking Gas Is Not From Morocco

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
17th November 2021
Photo of People Scrambling for Cooking Gas Is Not From Morocco
A picture of citizens waiting for gas cylinders is from Lebanon (Facebook).

The Claim

A picture depicts Moroccan citizens waiting for gas cylinders.

Emerging story

Accounts and pages on the social networking site Facebook are circulating a picture of Moroccan citizens waiting in line to obtain gas cylinders, claiming that Morocco is experiencing a suffocating gas supply crisis.

A supporting image within the article body

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar looked into the claim that had been circulated and found it to be false. The image is outdated and was first published on Lebanese websites in September of last year.

صورة متعلقة توضيحية

The image began to circulate following the escalation of the Moroccan-Algerian conflict and the suspension of gas exports from Algeria to Spain via the Maghreb-European line.

This week, the difficult situation has been even further exacerbated, with Algeria ending the contract for a gas pipeline that runs via Morocco to deliver gas to Spain.

Misbar’s Classification


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