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Image Does Not Depict the Russian Satan 2 Missile

Dina Faisal Dina Faisal
4th March 2022
Image Does Not Depict the Russian Satan 2 Missile
Image depicts the predecessor of Satan 2 (Twitter)

The Claim

An image of Russia's recently revealed Satan 2 missile.

Emerging story

An image of a missile is circulating on social media, particularly on Twitter, along with the claim that this is the Russian missile known as Satan 2. Users also alleged that Russia recently unveiled the missile, which has the โ€œcapacity to destroy the worldโ€ and โ€œeverything that breathes.โ€

Misbarโ€™s Analysis

Misbar investigated the claim and found it to be misleading. Starting with a reverse image search using Tineye, the team discovered that the image was uploaded in October 2016. 

A supporting image within the article body

The original image was traced back to Dreamstime, as shown below.

A supporting image within the article body

While tracing the results, we found an article about the development and testing of the SR-28 Sarmat, also known as the Satan 2 by NATO, and how it would be ready for use in 2020. However, it was discovered while searching for more recent sources that the missile development was not complete. According to the Missile Threat website and the screenshot below, the missile, which is being designed by Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau, is still in development and has not yet been revealed for use.

A supporting image within the article body

According to our findings, there were no reports from any sources confirming the Satan 2 was complete and ready for use. Furthermore, despite its immense power, the Satan 2 is only capable of wiping out an "area the size of Texas or France," not the entire world or every "breathing thing," as claimed. There were no newly revealed missiles, the Satan 2 is not yet operational, and the claim has nothing to do with the ongoing invasion. The circulating image depicts the predecessor of Satan 2, also known as SR36-M or SS-18.

Misbarโ€™s Classification


Misbarโ€™s Sources

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