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Image of Biden Carrying Answers Sheet at Press Conference is True

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
30th March 2022
Image of Biden Carrying Answers Sheet at Press Conference is True
President Biden has carried papers with answers before (Twitter).

The Claim

A photo shows U.S. President Joe Biden speaking at a press conference while holding a piece of paper with pre-written answers on it.

Emerging story

Social media users are sharing a photo of U.S. President Joe Biden holding a piece of paper with answers to questions written on it. The photo was accompanied by a claim that Biden carried this paper during his last press conference on the Russian war on Ukraine.

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Description: The screenshot shows the Twitter post sharing the claim. 

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating claim and found it to be true, as credible media sources published the news in the circulating claim.  The Independent published the news on March 29, 2022, with the headline: “Photograph captures Biden’s ‘cheat sheet’ notes as he tries to avoid another Putin gaffe,” and attached it to a video clip documenting it.

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During the conference held Monday, March 28, President Biden told reporters that he would not apologize for describing Russian President Vladimir Putin as a war criminal. Biden added that he would not retract his statements, which contend that his Russian counterpart should leave power. Considering that his statements were not an indication of a policy of regime change in Russia, but an expression of his personal anger, following the Russian war on Ukraine.

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It is noteworthy that this is not the first time that the U.S. President has carried notes and papers containing answers to possible questions. He turned to a similar sheet two weeks before the 2020 U.S presidential election to answer a question about taxes.

Translated by Dina Faisal.

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