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Fabricated Time Cover Claims Zelenskyy Refuses To Use Letters Z and V in His Name

Khadija Boufous Khadija Boufous
20th April 2022
Fabricated Time Cover Claims Zelenskyy Refuses To Use Letters Z and V in His Name
The image is digitally altered (Twitter).

The Claim

The image shows a recent TIME magazine cover featuring the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s picture claiming he refused to use the letters “Z” and “V” in his name and surname. 

Emerging story

Social media accounts recently shared an alleged photo claiming that is the April 2022 edition cover of TIME magazine. The image features the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s photograph, with a text reading: “Ladimir Elensky refused to use letters ‘Z’ and ‘V’ in his name and surname. As a token of support, our office publishes this news piece without the letters ‘Z’ and ‘V.’”

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar has investigated the claim and found it to be satirical. TIME magazine has never published this alleged April 2022 edition cover. Accounts have shared the image in a satirical context.

The Alleged Time Magazine Cover Is Not Authentic

A Google Advanced Search has not shown any reliable sources or news articles featuring the alleged TIME cover, nor the text on the image. TIME’s official social media accounts also did not post the cover featuring President Zelenskyy with such a headline.

Moreover, the TIME magazine archive of 2022 editions did not show the alleged TIME cover claiming Volodymyr Zelenskyy refused to use the letters “Z” and “V” in his name and surname. Based on our investigation, Misbar’s team confirms that TIME magazine’s cover is not authentic. The circulating photo was digitally edited. 

A supporting image within the article body

Lithuania Bans Using the Letter ‘Z’ in Protest Against the Russian Invasion

The claim started to circulate after Lithuania’s parliament voted to ban the public display of the letters “V” and “Z,” the black and orange ribbon of St. George, and other symbols described as expressing support for the war on Ukraine. 

According to news reports, Russian military vehicles in Ukraine were marked with the Russian military “Z” symbol. Social media users have also shared images featuring the letter “Z,” expressing their support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

In the same context, accounts have posted pictures featuring the St. George ribbon after it was already adopted by separatists in eastern Ukraine in support of Russia in 2014.

Following the war on Ukraine, the Lithuanian parliament noted that the symbols of totalitarian or authoritarian regimes are being used to promote military aggression and crimes against humanity. News articles mentioned that anyone caught guilty of promoting or disseminating military aggression symbols can face fines ranging between €300 and €700. 

The Fine fees might also reach €600 and €1,200 for companies displaying the banned symbols and may increase for repeated offenses.

Social media users have posted the fake TIME magazine cover as a meme and in a satirical context after the Lithuanian parliament banned the public display of the letters “V” and “Z” and other symbols described as expressing support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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