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UAE Did Not Suspend Wheat Imports From India

Dina Faisal Dina Faisal
17th June 2022
UAE Did Not Suspend Wheat Imports From India
The UAE requested India to continue exporting wheat to the country (Getty).

The Claim

UAE suspends wheat imports from India.

Emerging story

Social media users are circulating a claim which says that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) suspended wheat imports from India. Some users added that this was a result of derogatory comments about the Prophet Muhammad by spokespeople of the BJP party, India’s leading party.

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar’ team investigated the claim and found it to be misleading. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) did not suspend wheat imports from India. They restricted the re-exporting of Indian wheat to other countries in order to better control supply and ensure domestic food security.

UAE Restricts Re-export of Indian Wheat for Four Months 

Misbar’s investigation revealed that the UAE Ministry of Economy had issued a moratorium on the export and re-export of wheat and wheat varieties, including wheat flour originating from the Republic of India, for a duration of four months starting from May 13, 2022.  As can be seen in the image below.

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Photo Description: UAE ministry of economy released a moratorium prohibiting the re-export of Indian wheat.

The decision was made in light of international developments that have affected trade flows and global wheat shortages. Moreover, a heatwave in India that has badly affected crops, prompted the government to enforce a ban on wheat exports except for those backed by already issued letters of credit and to countries seeking to ensure food security. The UAE requested India to continue exporting wheat to the country, based on the strong strategic relations between the countries further emphasised with the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement signed, the Indian government approved the export of wheat to the UAE for domestic consumption only and have allowed shipments of 469,202 tonnes of wheat to be exported.

Global Wheat Shortage 

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has led to a global wheat shortage expected to last for at least three seasons.  The decrease in supply will lead to a record increase in prices and a global food crisis. Russia and Ukraine together account for nearly one-third of global wheat supplies. Before the invasion, Ukraine used to export 4.5 million tonnes of agricultural produce monthly. Ukraine was also a major exporter of corn, barley, sunflower oil and rapeseed oil.

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Currently, the United Nations and various partners are in dialogue aiming to take action before the food crisis deteriorates further, especially in poor countries. 

Based on the findings, Misbar’s team confirms the claim is misleading and that the UAE did not ban imports of wheat from India.

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