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No Qatari Spokesperson Addressed Pride Flags at the World Cup

Khadija Boufous Khadija Boufous
6th July 2022
No Qatari Spokesperson Addressed Pride Flags at the World Cup
There is no evidence that a Qatari official made a similar statement (Getty).

The Claim

Qatar's spokesperson announced a prison sentence for flying the LGBTQ+ flag at the 2022 World Cup.

Emerging story

Social media users have circulated a quote attributed to a Qatari spokesperson discussing an incarceration penalty for displaying the LGBTQ+ flag during the upcoming 2022 World Cup.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar has investigated the claim and found it to be fake. There is no proof that a Qatari spokesperson said the LGBTQ+ flag would not be allowed to be flown during the upcoming 2022 World Cup.

Fake Statement

Misbar's team conducted a Google Advanced Search, but the results revealed no similar statements reported by credible reports or media outlets. The alleged claim was attributed in the posts to an unidentified spokesperson. 

After reviewing the World Cup website, we were unable to find any reporting on the statement or legislation banning the LGBTQ+ flag at the 2022 World Cup.

Marc Owen Jones, an assistant professor of Middle East Studies at Hamad bin Khalifa University in Qatar, has already shared the claim on his Twitter account, stating that the alleged statement was made by no official.

LGBTQ+ Rights in the 2022 World Cup

Following the preparation for the World Cup 2022 in Qatar, social media users have raised serious discussions about the LGBTQ+ community in Qatar, where being homosexual is an illegal activity and can be punished with three years in prison. Many rumors surfaced suggesting that waving the LGBTQ+ flag at the World Cup is punished with prison sentences.

Meanwhile, according to a recent Guardian article, FIFA's senior adviser stated that the governing body had thoroughly assessed the named legal clauses and their implementation in practice, including in particular as they pertain to LGBTIQ+ persons.

FIFA's Advisor told The Guardian that FIFA is confident that LGBTIQ+ individuals will not face repercussions as a result of the aforementioned legal provisions. The article also stated that LGBTQ+ organizations are concerned about a lack of public communication, leaving the question of whether fans will be able to fly rainbow flags in Doha without fear of repercussions unresolved.

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