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CNN's Battlefield Breastfeeding Headline Is Fake

Khadija Boufous Khadija Boufous
9th July 2022
CNN's Battlefield Breastfeeding Headline Is Fake
The headline is fabricated (Twitter).

The Claim

CNN published a headline in the form of a question, asking if military women should be allowed to breastfeed on the battlefield.

Emerging story

Social media users have shared an image purporting to be a screenshot of a CNN headline asking if military women should be allowed to breastfeed on the battlefield. The alleged screenshot includes the CNN masthead and an image of women in military uniforms with the headline: "Should Women Be Allowed to Breastfeed on the Battlefield?"

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar has investigated the claim and found it to be fake. There is no evidence that CNN published a headline questioning whether women in the military should be allowed to breastfeed on the battlefield.

Fabricated Screenshot

Misbar’s team conducted a Google Advance Search using the headline's keywords. CNN did not publish such a headline, and no credible sources or media outlets covered the story.

Our team has also run an advanced search on CNN's social media accounts. The process yielded no results.

We looked up the claim on social media and found that it was already circulating in 2019 and 2020.

A supporting image within the article body
A supporting image within the article body

Photo description: The claim had been around since at least 2019.

The fake screenshot claims the headline was published on February 22 at 7:48 PM ET. The authentic headline by Chuck Johnston, Jamiel Lynch, and Dakin Andone was "Armed school resource officer stayed outside as Florida shooting unfolded" and did not mention military women.

A supporting image within the article body

It's also worth noting that the fabricated screenshot has some photo editing flaws due to inexperience with the editing software. As a result, the CNN masthead was added to the altered image without changing the size of the CNN logo.

A supporting image within the article body


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