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Claims About Boris Johnson Escaping to the Sea After his Resignation are Satirical

Ouissal Harize Ouissal Harize
11th July 2022
Claims About Boris Johnson Escaping to the Sea After his Resignation are Satirical
The claim was first shared by a parody account (Twitter).

The Claim

Photo shows Boris Johnson getting ready for a swim after his resignation. 

Emerging story

Social media users have widely circulated a photo showing Boris Johnson getting ready for a swim. A commonly shared caption reads: “BREAKING: Following his resignation, Boris Johnson has escaped to the sea.”

A supporting image within the article body
A supporting image within the article body
A supporting image within the article body

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating claim and found it to be satirical. 

The claim was first shared by a twitter account with the handle “@bccbreaking,” a parody account that mimics the BBC news account. The account’s bio clarifies that it is unaffiliated with the BBC.

A supporting image within the article body

Twitter Suspends the BCC Twitter Account

After the Boris Johnson meme went viral, Twitter suspended the parody account for violating Twitter rules.

Some twitter users expressed that although the BCC tweet was meant to be a joke, it confused some social media users.

Photo of Boris Johnson Enjoying the Sea

Misbar’s team conducted a reverse image search on google and traced the photo of Boris Johnson at the sea back to June 2021.

According to several reliable news reports, the photo was taken during The G7 summit in the resort of Carbis Bay in Cornwall, in the south-west of England.

A supporting image within the article body

Photo Description: The photo from a BBC article published on June 13, 2021.

Based on these findings, Misbar finds the claim to be satirical as it was first shared by a parody account.

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Misbar’s Classification


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