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2019 Video From Iran Shared as RecentFujairah Floods

Misbar's Editorial Team Misbar's Editorial Team
29th July 2022
2019 Video From Iran Shared as RecentFujairah Floods
The video was taken in 2019 (YouTube).

The Claim

A video shows floods sweeping away dozens of cars in Fujairah.

Emerging story

Misbarโ€™s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating claim and found it to be misleading. The video was shot in Iran in 2019 and shows severe flooding in Shiraz. The video was uploaded to YouTube by social media users and news outlets.

On March 26, 2019, France 24 released a video report showing the same clip circulating and different scenes documenting the flooding in Iran.

Misbar also noticed that the original voice in the clip of people speaking Farsi has been replaced by other sounds of heavy storms and heavy rains. However, Misbar was unable to confirm the video clip's exact date.

Iranโ€™s Shiraz Floods in 2019 

According to the BBC, flash flooding in Shiraz, Iran, killed at least 19 people and injured more than 100 others in March 2019. At the time, news outlets and social media users posted many videos and photos online documenting the disastrous flash floods.

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2022 UAE Floods

The misleading clip began circulating after heavy rains in the UAE submerged streets and damaged residential areas. According to the UAE Ministry of Interior, 3,897 citizens have been sheltered, and 870 have been rescued in Sharjah and Fujairah. 

However, there have been no reports of casualties or serious injuries.

Furthermore, the UAE Cabinet ordered an urgent committee led by the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure to evaluate the damage caused by flash floods in the country's provinces. The Cabinet also requested the committee to submit a detailed report on the financial and property damage that the floods caused.

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