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This Video Does Not Show the Recent Clashes in Tripoli

Khadija Boufous Khadija Boufous
9th August 2022
This Video Does Not Show the Recent Clashes in Tripoli
The video is outdated (Twitter).

The Claim

The video shows the most recent clashes between armed groups in Tripoli, Libya.

Emerging story

Social media users have circulated footage claiming it shows the recent clashes between armed groups in Tripoli, Libya.

“Al-Falah, Airport Road, Bawabat Al Jibs, and Al Dawa Al-Islamia reported clashes out there,” a Twitter user wrote.

Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating claim and found it to be misleading. The footage was uploaded to YouTube on May 10, 2020, with the caption: “Violent clashes waged by the Libyan army now with the Turkish mobilization militias in Tripoli.”

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The footage was also posted to some Facebook pages on the same day with the caption: “Violent clashes continue in the axis of the capital Tripoli.”

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A supporting image within the article body


Recent Clashes in Tripoli

According to local news outlets and websites, violent clashes with heavy weapons erupted between armed groups last Friday night, August 5, and at dawn on Saturday, August 6, 2022, in Tripoli, Libya.

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A supporting image within the article body

Two weeks ago, media outlets reported that clashes between Libyan armed groups in Tripoli caused the death of at least 13 people, and 27 others were injured. According to Al Jazeera, the groups exchanged fire in a central district where government headquarters, international agencies, and diplomatic missions, are based. The clashes spread to the areas of Ain Zara and Asbaa.

The report noted that the incident was the latest escalation to threaten the relative peace after a decade of civil war in Libya and mentioned that the two rival authorities in Libya had sparked several clashes in Tripoli last months.

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