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Salman Rushdie Is Still Alive

Ouissal Harize Ouissal Harize
13th August 2022
Salman Rushdie Is Still Alive
Rushdie was rushed to a hospital by a helicopter (Reuters).

The Claim

The writer Salman Rushdie is dead. 

Emerging story

Social media users have recently widely circulated news that the writer Salman Rushdie died after he was attacked in New York.

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Misbar’s Analysis

Misbar investigated the circulating claim and found it to be fake. The writer is still alive and is currently under medical surveillance. 

Misbar’s team monitored major news outlets and news agencies and found that, up to the time of writing this fact-check, the writer is still alive.

Salman Rushdie Attacked in New York

On Friday August 12, the author Salman Rushdie was stabbed at a literary event in New York.

The writer was scheduled to give a speech about the United States as a safe refuge for exiled writers.

Following the stabbing attack, Rushdie was rushed to a hospital by a helicopter. Andrew Wylie, the writer’s agent told The New York Times: “Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged.”

New York State Police said that the suspect is a 24-year-old called Hadi Matar, from New Jersey.

The latest updates on the writer’s health state that Rushdie is on a ventilator and cannot speak.

Salman Rushdie, Living Under Death Threats Since 1989 

The writer Salman Rushdie has been living under death threats since the publication of his controversial novel “The Satanic Verses,” which was found offensive by many Muslims around the world.

On February 14, 1989, the supreme leader of Iran at that time, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, announced a bounty of several million dollars to whoever could kill Rushdie. The Iranian Fatwa [a religious edict] forced Rushdie to hide in a fortified house under British protection for almost ten years.

Reactions to the Attack on Salman Rushdie

The Iranian media outlets have mostly praised the attack on the writer. According to Reuters, the Khorasan daily published the headline: “Satan on the way to hell.” The Vatan Emrooz newspaper published a headline that reads: “Knife in Salman Rushdie’s neck.” The Kayhan newspaper wrote: “A thousand bravos ... to the brave and dutiful person who attacked the apostate and evil Salman Rushdie in New York.” 

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Photo Description: Saturday’s newspapers in Iran (Getty).

Meanwhile, writers and political leaders from all over the globe have condemned the attack and showed solidarity with Rushdie.

Hezbollah officials told Reuters that the group knows nothing about the attack. 

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